Abrams Foundation Endowed Scholarship
The Abrams Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in December of 2007 by the Abrams Foundation, Inc. to support students with financial need. Scholarships will be granted to scholars from Fulton or DeKalb counties in the Metro Atlanta area.
Accenture Student Leadership Endowed Award
The Accenture Scholarship was established on January 8, 1998 by Accenture Foundation, Inc. to provide support to Spelman students with financial need. Scholarships will be granted to scholars majoring in Math, Engineering, or Computer Science who demonstrate leadership and are active in community service. Student must be a junior, 3.2 GPA or greater, Enrolled in 12 hours or more.
Alan Mulally Scholarship - Leadership in Engineering
Scholarship support to be awarded to a rising junior or rising senior in recognition of her academic success, leadership skills and financial need.
Alberta W. King Memorial Fund for Music & Nonviolent Studies
The Alberta W. King Memorial Scholarship for Music and Nonviolent Studies was established by members of the King family in memory of their mother, Alberta W. King who devoted her life to music and had a great love for the piano and organ. Scholarship support will be granted to a music major with a special interest in the piano and organ.
Alice Gaston Combs Endowed Scholarship
The Alice Gaston Combs Endowed Scholarship was established in April of 2008 by Alice Gaston Combs, C’53 to provide assistance to deserving students with financial need. Scholarship support will be granted to scholars majoring in Biology.
Alliene Horne Willis Endowed Scholarship
299119, 299140, 299163, 299164, 299216, 299222, 299223, 299227, 299228
The Alliene Horne Willis Endowed Scholarship was established by Dr. Isaac Horne Willis and Dr. Alliric I. Willis in honor of the late Dr. Alliene Horne Willis, C’61. This scholarship provides assistance to students with financial need. Support will be granted to scholars majoring in social sciences or humanities who are active in community service.
Amelior Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Amelior Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established by the Amelior Foundation to award a full-tuition scholarship to a participant in the READY program who has been accepted for admission to Spelman College.
Amna Plummer-Mays, DVM, C'95 Scholarship for Veterinary Medicine
Amna Plummer-Mays, DVM, C95 Scholarship for Veterinary Medicine provides financial assistance to students who are pursuing a career in veterinary field.
Amy Chadwick Endowed Scholarship
The Amy Chadwick Endowed Scholarship supports working students at Spelman College,scholarship is for rising seniors.
Andrea Battle Sims, C'78 Memorial Scholarship
The Andrea Battle Sims, C'78 Memorial Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
Anne Ashmore-Hudson Scholarship
The Anne Ashmore-Hudson Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by James Lagarde Hudson and Anne Ashmore-Hudson, C’63, to provide financial assistance to students majoring in Psychology with an interest in pursuing an advanced degree in Clinical Psychology.
Anne Cox Chambers Scholarship
Annexstad Family Foundation Leaders for Tomorrow National Scholarship, The
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide funds to assist needy and worthy students who have been accepted in good standing by the College to attend the College, and who posses, in the College's judgment, exceptional potential to become leaders one day in their chosen fields following completion of their undergraduate studies.
Annie Bell Huger Scholarship
Established by Spelman College alumna, D'Rita Parrilla Robinson, C'97, the Annie Bell Huger Scholarship will provide financial support to academically worthy students requiring financial assistance to complete their education. Annie Bell Huger was a pillar in her community. She was a strong proponent of education and believed in giving back and help others achieve their dream.
Annie Washington-Glover Memorial Scholarship
In honor of her aunt, the late Annie Washington-Glover, Edith Simmons Jackmon-Hunter, C'63 (the "Donor") has established the Annie Washington-Glover Memorial Scholarship to provide financial assistance for full time students of Spelman College who have committed to spiritual development and empowerment, are civically conscious and who seek to serve in a leadership capacity in the Christian church and community.
Ashe Endowed Scholarship
The Ashe Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by alumna and former Spelman faculty member, Dr. Jacqueline Jones-Royster, C’70 in honor of her mother, Mrs. Lilla Ashe Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell was born and raised in rural Georgia and spent her entire career as a public school teacher in rural communities in Georgia. This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students with financial need form rural Georgia or southeastern states.
Ashley McNeil Coleman, C'2005 Annual Scholarship
The Ashley McNeil Coleman, C'2005 Endowed Scholarship provided financial assistance for a deserving student to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Ashley McNeil Coleman, C'2005 Endowed Scholarship
The Ashley McNeil Coleman, C'2005 Endowed Scholarship provided financial assistance for a deserving student to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Avon Foundation Endowed Scholarship
The primary focus of the Avon Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to qualified traditional and non-traditional students. The need based awards will be made to selected students to help defray the costs of tuition and fees.
Avon Products Endowed Scholarship
The Avon Products Endowed Scholarship was established by Avon Products, Inc. in recognition of Avon’s commitment to the mission of Spelman College. The scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior pursuing a career in business.
Baldwin Burroughs Endowed Scholarship
The Baldwin Burroughs Endowed Scholarship was established in April of 1994 to provide scholarship support for students with financial need. Scholarship support will be granted to scholars who major in Drama.
Bank of America (NationsBank) Endowed Scholarship
the purpose of the Fund is to award scholarships to students in the Terry College of Business.
Bank of New York Mellon Endowed Scholarship
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation established a permanent endowment at Spelman College. This endowment is used to provide academic scholarships to deserving students.
Barbara Ann Pinckney Stevens Scholarship
Established by Mr. Arnold Stevens and family in memory of Ms. Barbara Ann Pinckney Stevens, the Barbara Ann Pinckney Stevens Scholarship is dedicated to providing scholarship support to students that demonstrate promise and aptitude. Moreover, students will aspire to the same ideals and values as Ms. Barbara Ann Pinckney Stevens.
Barbara Henry Ferguson Endowed Scholarship
Barbara Henry Ferguson Endowed scholarship established by alumna, Barbara Henry Ferguson, C'65 in an effort to give back to society and assist a student striving to achieve.
Barbara Holland Endowed Scholarship
The Barbara Holland Endowed Scholarship is named in honor of the wife of former Spelman college Board of Trustees chair, Robert Holland, Jr., and recognizes Mrs. Holland's thirty years of service in the field of child development. The scholarship endowment provides tuition assistance to deserving students with financial need who are enrolled at Spelman College and pursuing a career in the field of child development.
Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Scholarship
Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a graduate of the Atlanta Public School System with a demonstrated financial need.
Bethany Mayer Endowed Scholarship
The Bethany Mayer Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College provides financial assistance to to a deserving sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in a Science, Technology, Math or Engineering (STEM) discipline and in good academic standing to help defray educational costs.
Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Scholarship
The Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Endowed Scholarship was established to provide assistance for talented students with academic promise and a demonstrated financial need.
Betty Lovejoy Scott Endowed Scholarship
The Betty Lovejoy Scott Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to support worthy young women from rural communities.
Boeing Scholarship - DDEP/CIS
Scholarships remove some of the financial barriers students face, giving them the opportunity to focus on their studies, which in turn enhances their ability to make a meaningful contribution to their respective fields. Scholarships are awarded to students with an interest in working at Boeing, a demonstrated financial need as defined by FAFSA, and a 3.2 or higher for STEM.
Boeing Scholarship - Economics
Scholarships remove some of the financial barriers students face, giving them the opportunity to focus on their studies, which in turn enhances their ability to make a meaningful contribution to their respective fields. Scholarships are awarded to students with an interest in working at Boeing, a demonstrated financial need as defined by FAFSA, and a 3.2 or higher for Economics.
Boeing Scholarship - Psychology
Scholarships remove some of the financial barriers students face, giving them the opportunity to focus on their studies, which in turn enhances their ability to make a meaningful contribution to their respective fields. Scholarships are awarded to students with an interest in working at Boeing, a demonstrated financial need as defined by FAFSA, and a 3.2 or higher for Psychology.
Bonnie Carter, C'89 and Michael Carter Scholarship
The Bonnie Carter, C'89, and Michael Carter Scholarship provides tuition assistance to deserving Spelman students with financial need. The donor's intent is to help support students that are experiencing financial shortfalls so that they may continue their studies at College.
Booking.com Women in Tech Scholarship
The Booking.com Women in Tech Scholarship was established by Booking.com. This scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Byrd Waller Endowed Scholarship
The Byrd Waller Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Kathy Waller in honor of her father Byrd Waller. Ms. Waller has provided this scholarship to support students from the Metro Atlanta area
Carolyn Hill Wyatt Award
The Carolyn Hill Wyatt Award is an annual scholarship established in memory of Carolyn Hill Wyatt, C'53 and in respect of her wishes to provide financial assistance to a non-traditional student enrolled in Biology at Spelman College pursuing a career as a doctor.
Carolyn Stinson Traylor, C'61 Annual Scholarship
The Carolyn Stinson Traylor, C'61 Annual Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman college
Carrie Clements Wright Scholarship
The Carrie Clements Wright Scholarship will be given to a student who is majoring in education and planning to enter the teaching profession or planning to offer an educational service to her community.
Carroll-Williams Education Endowed Scholarship
The Class of 1966 founded the Carroll Williams Education Award at its 20th class reunion in May 1986 in honor of former faculty members Dr. Evelyn Carroll and Mrs. Williams. The endowed scholarship is provided to ensure that talented black women who choose teaching as a profession feel supported and valued.
Catherine Maxwell Daniel Endowed Scholarship
The Catherine Maxwell Daniel Endowed Scholarship - established by Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, ninth president of Spelman College, in honor of her mother, Catherine Maxwell Daniel, to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Spelman College.
Charles E. and Shirley S. Marshall Scholarship Fund
The Charles E. and Shirley S. Marshall Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Cherie Stawasz Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Cherie Stawasz Memorial endowed Scholarship was established through the Estateof Cherie Stawasz. Cherie Stawasz was the founder of Stawasz Communications and consultant to RF/Binder Partners. Known for her creativity, passion and ability to develop programs that touched the heart, Cherie was a brilliant, generous, spiritual and loving individual who lived each day with gusto and laughter. Although Ms. Stawasz never had the opportunity to visit Spelman's campus, she identified with the College's mission to empower women for leadership and service. The Cherie Stawasz Memorial Endowment provides financial assistance to needy and deserving Spelman Students.
Cheryl J. Tyson Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Jesse J. Tyson has established a scholarship endowment at Spelman college in honor of his wife, Cheryl J. Tyson. The Cheryl J. Tyson Endowed Scholarship provides tuition assistance to deserving students with financial need who are enrolled at Spelman.
Class of 1965 Student Scholarship
In celebration of their 50th Class Reunion, the Class of 1965 has initiated a fundraising effort to endow the Class of 1965 current use scholarship. In keeping with the original scholarship's purpose, the Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship will provide tuition assistance for fulltime juniors or seniors with financial need. the scholarship motto for the Class of 1965 reads: A Memory of the Past - A Help to the Present - A payment to the Future.
Class of 1967 Annual Scholarship
The Class of 1967 Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Ms. Deborah Mack, C'67. The scholarship will provide financial assistance to students to help defray educational cost during their matriculation at Spelman College.
Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship
The Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship Fund was established at Spelman College by Marian Jordan, C'67 and members of the Class of 1967, to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
Class of 1968 Annual Scholarship
The class of 1968 Annual Scholarship Fund at Spelman College provides financial assistance to help aspiring women achieve their dream and to help defray educational cost during matriculation at Spelman College
Class of 1969 Kelly Brown Endowed Scholarship
The class of 1969 Kelly Brown Endowed was established at Spelman College to provide financial assistance to deserving students
Class of 1974 Scholarship
Established by members of the class of 1974, the Class of 1974 Scholarship provides need-based financial assistance to sophomore students at Spelman College.
Class of 1975 Endowed Scholarship
The Class of 1975 Endowed Scholarship was established by members of the Spelman College Class of 1975 to pay tribute to deceased class member and provide financial assistance to Spelman College students.
Class of 2001 Annual Scholarship
Established by members of the Class of 2001 during their 10 year reunion, the Class of 2001 Scholarship Fund is dedicated to providing scholarship support to students who have demonstrated promise and aptitude but sorely need financial assistance to complete their education.
Class of 2001 Endowed Scholarship
Established by members of the Class of 2001 during their 10 year reunion, the Class of 2001 Scholarship Fund is dedicated to providing scholarship support to students who have demonstrated promise and aptitude but sorely need financial assistance to complete their education.
Cracker Barrel Heritage Endowed Scholarship
The Cracker Barrel Heritage Endowed Scholarship is established to provide financial assistance to students of Spelman College. With this scholarship, Cracker Barrel wants to inspire young people of color to explore and value their history and heritage.
Crankstart Re-entry Scholarship Program
The Crankstart Re-entry Scholarship Program provides scholarship awards to students at Spelman College. Scholarship awards must be applied to student tuition fees exclusively.
Curry Family Scholarship
Mrs. Ann Q. Curry and members of the Curry family have established the Curry Family Scholarship at Spelman College to provide need-based financial assistance for a deserving full-time student.
David Geffen Endowed Scholarship
The David Geffen Endowed Scholarship was established February 18, 2004 by J. Dallas Dishman to support to students with need. Scholarship support will be granted to those who major in performing or fine arts.
Davis Family Endowed Scholarship
The Davis Family Endowed Scholarship was established on June 6, 1984 through a gift from Jay M. Davis. Scholars will be from an Atlanta area high school with a GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need.
Davis Foundation Endowed Scholarship, The
The Davis Family Endowed Scholarship was established on June 6, 1984 through a gift from Jay M. Davis. Scholars will be from an Atlanta area high school with a GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need.
Diana King Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Arts
To provide financial support for rising juniors and rising seniors majoring in the Arts at Spelman College.
Diane Bland, C'79 Memorial Scholarship
The Diane Bland, C'79 Memorial Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Distinguished Student Scholarship Award in Honor of Dr. Jacqueline Jones Royster
This award provides a partial-tuition scholarship to two (2) talented students in the amount of $10,000 each with a demonstrated financial need. This award is renewable as long as the scholars meet the criteria.
Dominique Nicole Bibbins MPH, Rising Sisters
The Dominique Nicole Bibbins MPH, Rising Sisters scholarship was established at Spelman College by Reynard and Angela M. Bibbins to provide support to students demonstrating financial need.
Donald & Isabel Stewart Endowed Scholarship (NAASC)
The NAASC - Donald & Isabel Stewart Endowed Scholarship was established by the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College (NAASC) in May of 1987. The Scholarship pays tribute to the outstanding tenure of Spelman's sixth president, Dr. Donald M. Stewart and honors his wife, Isabel Stewart. The endowment is a permanent resource for eligible students with financial need.
Donna Mitchell Endowed Scholarship
The Donna Mitchell Endowed Scholarship supports students with a demonstrated financial need.
Dorothy Dailey Suber Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was established by James, O. Suber in loving memory of his wife and loyal Spelman alumna, Dorothy Dailey Suber, class of 1965. The scholarship recognizes Dorothy's Suber's commitment to the pursuit of education by providing opportunities for others who may be disadvantaged.
Dorothy Manley Endowed Scholarship
The Dorothy Manley Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to provide financial assistance to students to help defray educational cost.
Dr. Albert E. Manley Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. Albert E. Manley Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to provide financial assistance to deserving students with financial need who are pursuing a career in the field of Medicine. The scholarship is named in honor of the late Dr. Albert E. Manley, the fifth president of Spelman College, and pays tribute to his life of service and dedication to higher education. Dr. Manley was the first male and first African American to lead the College.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Poitier Annual Scholarship
The Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Poitier Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
Dr. Betty Clarke Tinsley, C'70 Annual Scholarship Fund
The Dr. Betty Clarke Tinlsey, C'70 Annual Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman college.
Dr. Betty Clarke Tinsley, C'70 Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. Betty Clarke Tinsley, C’70 Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College was established to provide financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Dr. Bruce Wade Endowed Scholarship and Prize for Excellence in Sociological Research
The Dr. Bruce Wade Scholarship and Prize for Excellence in Sociological Research was established at Spelman College by Dr. Karolyn Tyson, C’91. This scholarship endowment was established to provide financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
Dr. Carrie W. Buggs Endowed Scholarship
The Carrie W. Buggs Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Dr. Carrie W. Buggs, C'56. This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students with financial need.
Dr. Dandrea Lynne Brooks, C'83 Annual Scholarship
The Dr. Dandrea Lynne Brooks, C'83 Annual Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Dr. Eleanor Belle Williams Hankerson Scholarship
Dr. Eleanor Belle Williams Hankerson Scholarship was established at the request of the late Dr. William P. Hankerson in honor of his mother, Eleanor Belle Williams Hankerson, C'46. She was an educator in Georgia and New Jersey for 34 years providing leadership and guidance to his school Biology students.
Dr. Ernestine Dearing Hogan, C’68 Annual Scholarship
The Dr. Ernestine Dearing Hogan, C’68 Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Dr. Ernestine Dearing Hogan, C’68 to provide financial assistance to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College to an incoming freshman student with a declared major in Education Studies/Elementary Education/Mathematics and/or have an interest in pursuing a career in education
Dr. Joyce F. Johnson Scholarship for Music
The Dr. Joyce Johnson Music Scholarship was established at Spelman College by the congregation of Peachtree Presbyterian Church. The endowed scholarship honors Dr. Joyce Johnson, renowned organist and esteemed professor of music at Spelman college. The scholarship endowment provides tuition assistance to music majors at Spelman College with Financial Need.
Dr. Lezli Levene Harvell Endowed Scholarship
Established by Mr. Christopher Harvell and Dr. Lezli Levene Harvell, C'2000 the Dr. Lezli Levene Harvell Endowed Scholarship for International Students is dedicated to providing scholarship support for students from developing nations while making Spelman's campus a more international community and increasing the College's global presence. The scholarship will provide financial assistance to deserving students with financial need from Jamaica or a sub-Sahaharan African Country.
Dr. Martin Yanuck Memorial Scholarship
The Martin Yanuck Memorial Scholarship was established through memorial gifts from friends, family, and colleagues in tribute to former Spelman College History Professor Martin Yanuck.
Dr. Mary Shy Scott Endowed Scholarship
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Mu Pi Chapter has established a $500 book award at Spelman College in honor of Dr. Mary Shy Scott C'50. The Dr. Mary Shy Scott Book Award is given in recognition of the Scholarship, leadership and excellence exhibited by Dr. Scott who served as the 23rd international president of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. The book award is available to freshman level students who exemplify the characteristic of scholarship and leadership, and who demonstrates a commitment to community service.
Dr. Ora Sterling King Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Lonnie King, Jr. has established an endowed scholarship fund at Spelman College in honor of his wife and Spelman alumna, Dr. Ora Sterling King, C'54. the Dr. Ora Sterling King endowed Scholarship provides need-based assistance to Spelman Students enrolled at any of the College's degree granting programs.
Dr. Virginia Harris-Johnson Scholarship Fund
Dr. Virginia Harris-Johnson Scholarship Fund was established to provide financial assistance to students enrolled at Spelman College.
Drs. Beverly and Travis Tatum Endowed Scholarship
The Drs. Beverly Daniel Tatum and Travis Tatum Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by various donors to provide scholarship support to the President’s Safety Net Fund.
Eli Lilly Endowed/UNCF Grant
Eli Lilly/Alumnae Empowerment Endowed Scholarship
The Eli Lilly/Alumnae Empowerment Endowed Scholarship was established through the Eli Lilly Foundation and Alumnae Empowerment Initiative of the National Alumnae Associate of Spelman College (NAASC). The Endowment provides need-based scholarship assistance to student leaders at Spelman College who exhibit high potential and whose education and development are jeopardized due to the unmet financial need. This endowment fund was initiated to address the need to increase the College's scholarship resources and to encourage, increase and pool alumnae scholarship support, especially from chapters of the National Alumnae Association and among Spelman graduates age 40 years old and under.
Elizabeth 'Libby' Malcolm Goolsby Top Biology Student Annual Scholarship
The Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Malcolm Goolsby Top Biology Student Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Carol Goolsby and Ellen Goolsby in honor of Elizabeth Goolsby. The mission is to provide support to academically excellent students who are pursuing a degree in biology
Ella F. Washington Elevating Excellence Endowed Scholarship
The Ella F. Washington Elevating Excellence Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Dr. Ella F. Washington C'10 to provide financial assistance to a Junior or Senior to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman.
Ellis and Lillian Wynns Brown Endowed Scholarship
Maude Brown Lofton, MD, C'66 and Richie Brown Morris, C'71 have established the Ellis and Lillian Wynns Brown Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College as a resource for fulltime students requiring financial assistance to complete their degree from the College.
Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Physical Therapy Study
The Endowed Scholarship for Pre-physical Therapy Study was established at Spelman College by Dr. Ruth Etta Baines, C'57. This scholarship supports students demonstrating academic excellence and pursuing a career in Physical Therapy.
Erica D. Lanier, C2018 Annual Scholarship Fund
The Erica D. Lanier, C'2018 Annual Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Erica D. Lanier, C2018 Endowed Scholarship
The Erica D. Lanier, C'2018 Annual Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Erica Jenkins Morgan Annual Scholarship
The Erica Jenkins Morgan Annual Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College. This Scholarship is in memory of Erica who majored in Economics and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Spelman College in 2002. In 2009, she earned a master's degree in Managerial Science at Georgia State University. Erica enjoyed working for 16 years as a senior Tax Analyst for the IRS. She was adventurous, resilient and lived life to the fullest. This scholarship celebrates her lifelong love of learning.
Esther M. Smith Endowed Scholarship
The Esther M. Smith Endowed Scholarship is to be awarded to full-time English major (Junior or senior) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and an interest in teaching.
Esther Silver Parker Scholarship
Established by Mrs. Esther Silver-Parker, the Esther Silver-Parker Scholarship is dedicated to providing scholarship support to students who have demonstrated promise and aptitude through strong academic standing by sorely need financial assistance to complete their education.
Eta Kappa Endowed Scholarship
Eta Kappa Endowed Scholarship was established to provide resources for students at Spelman College in furtherance of our organization's goals to support and promote sisterhood, scholarship, and service.
Eva Collins Hatcher Endowed Scholarship
Established by Zandraetta Tims-Cook , the Eva Collins Hatcher Scholarship will provide scholarship support to deserving students that show great promise in service and leadership as healthcare professional
Florence M. Read Endowed Scholarship
Established by friends and the Class of '53 in honor of Florence Reed who served as president of Spelman Colege for 25 years in appreciation of her excellent leadership.
Frances Emily Hunt Trust
Frances Emily Hunt Trust was established at Spelman College to provide financial support for students from Massachusetts.
Frances P. and Richard D.Legon Endowed Scholarship
The Frances and Richard Legon Award was established at Spelman College by Frances and Richard Legon. This current-use Scholarship will support up to three students with first preference given to students from the DC Metro Area (District of Columbia, Maryland and Northern Virginia).
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
The Frances Wood Wilson Foundation scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Fred & Eugenia Calloway Scholarship
Mr. Fred and Mrs. Eugenia Calloway and Ms. Vanessa Bell Calloway have established the Fred & Eugenia Calloway Scholarship at Spelman College to provide need-based financial assistance for deserving fulltime students
Frederick Gaston & Mignon Lewis Scholarship
Frederick Gaston & Mignon Lewis Scholarship was established in memory of Mr. Frederic G. Lewis by his wife and Spelman alumna, Mignon Lewis, and family members.
Gabriella Pellicani Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Gabriella Pellicani Memorial Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Nicholas and Fabiana Pellicani to provide scholarship support to students with demonstrated financial need. This scholarship is dedicated to memory of Gabriella Pellicani, daughter of Nicholas and Fabiana Pellicani.
Gateway Endowed Scholarship
The Gateway award is established to provide assistance to students in the Spelman college Gateway Program, a program for non-traditional students who are enrolled in a degree program. Two awards for $1,000 each will be provided annually.
Geneva Williams's Green Pen Scholarship
The Geneva Williams Green Pen Scholarship provides a deserving student pursuing a degree in English financial assistance to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman college.
George I. Alden Endowed Scholarship
The annual income from the George I. Alden Trust is combined with the pool of income generated from the College's total endowment to increase the scholarship awards for students in the Honors Program.
Gilbert Educational Scholarship
Established by Dr. Nitsa Gilbert C'90, the Gilbert Educational Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students pursuing a career as a healthcare professional.
Goizueta Foundation Endowed Scholarship
To establish and endow the Goizueta Foundation Scholars Fund to provide a partial need-based scholarship of at least half the current year's tuition.
Grace McKivey Scipio, C'46 Scholarship
Grace McKivey Scipio, C'46 Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to deserving seniors to help defray educational cost.
Gwendolyn Adams-Kyle Endowed Scholarship
Gwendolyn Adams-Kyle Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to provide funds for books and incidentals.
Gwendolyn Motley Crim Student Assistance for Education Endowed Scholarship
Gwendolyn Motley Crim Student Assistance for Education Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to provide financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational cost.
Hank Aaron Chasing the Dream Foundation Inc. 4 for 4 Endowed Scholarship
Hank Aaron Chasing the Dream Foundation Inc. 4 for 4 Endowed Scholarship was established to support, in perpetuity, at least one student per year at Spelman College until or if such time comes when more students can be supported through additional contributions or growth of the endowed fund.
Hazel and Spencer Dean Award
Hazel Dean-Gaitor C'83, has established a financial assistance award for deserving students from Caribbean Countries attending Spelman College. The award recognizes alumna Hazel Dean who was the first member of the Dean Family to attend Spelman College and her niece Spencer, C95. Both were born in the Bahamas.
Helen Smith Price, C’79, Endowed Finish Line Scholarship
The Helen Smith Price, C79, Endowed Finish Line Scholarship at Spelman College provides financial assistance to deserving sophomores, juniors and seniors in good academic standing to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
Herman Kofi Bailey, Jr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Endowed scholarship established by Herman D Bailey, Sr in memory of his son
Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Foundation Finish Line Scholarship
The Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Foundation Finish line Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving juniors and seniors in good academic standing to help defray the educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Howze, Owens and Bowie Family Endowed Scholarship
The Howze, Owens and Bowie Family Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College was established to provide merit based financial assistance to help aspiring woman achieve their dream and to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
Ida Gartell Peterson and Roosevelt Peterson Foundation
The Ida Gartrell Peterson & Roosevelt Peterson Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to provide scholarships, tuition, and books to 4 academically qualified and financially deserving students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in teaching
Irene & John Wesley Dobbs Endowed Scholarship
The Irene and John Wesley Dobbs Endowed Scholarship was established by Dr. June Dobbs Butts, C’48 in memory of Irene and John Wesley Dobbs and in honor of their generosity and interest in education. Scholarship support will be granted annually to a graduating senior who shows great promise in music and fine arts.
Irene Bennett Reid, C'50 Memorial Scholarship
The Irene Bennett Reid Scholarship pays tribute to the Spelman alumna, Mrs. Irene Bennett Reid, C'50 and her devotion to Spelman College as a global leader in the education of woman of African descent. Mrs. Reid was a charter member of the Baltimore Chapter of the National Alumnae Associate of Spelman College and received the Baltimore Chapter Alumna of the Year Award. The scholarship will provide tuition assistance to deserving students with financial need studying to pursue a career in the field of behavioral science.
Isabella McIntyre Tobin, C'45 Memorial Scholarship
This Isabella McIntyre Tobin Endowed Scholarship pays tribute to Mrs Isabella McIntyre Tobin, A 1945 graduate of Spelman College. An accomplished and dedicated educator, Mrs. Tobin served in Atlanta Public School system for 38 years. Mrs. Tobin was a beloved member of the Spelman family and a devoted benefactor of the College. This scholarship endowment honors Mrs. Tobin's commitment to education and her alma mater. It will provide tuition assistance to Spelman students with academic promise and financial need.
Ivey-Wilson Scholarship
The Ivey-Wilson Scholarship was established as an endowed scholarship in memory of Spelman alumna, Clara Ivey Wilson, Class of '38. The annual income generated by the endowment will be restricted to defray the costs of tuition and fees for junior or senior level students who are pursuing studies in pre-medicine. The scholarship will be awarded to one student per year based on need and renewable annually if scholarship requirements are maintained.
Jacqueline Larkins Crook Music Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is established by the Larkins Family for Jacqueline Larkins Crook, Class of 1948, in honor of her 75th birthday. Mrs. Crook has been a celebrated academician in the field of music, former esteemed faculty member at Spelman College, and performer for many years. The scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to music majors enrolled at Spelman College.
Jana Elaine Chappelle Scholarship
Rev. T. Oscar Chappelle, Jr. and Mrs. Janice Webb Chappelle, C'65 have established a scholarship endowment at Spelman College in memory of their infant daughter, the late Jana Elaine Chappelle. The Jana Elaine Chappelle Endowed Scholarship provides tuition assistance to deserving students from the state of Georgia with financial need.
Janette Carrington Scholarship
The Janette E. Carrington Memorial Scholarship was established at Spelman College to pay tribute to the late Janette Carrington and provide financial assistance for Spelman College students.
Jann Patrice Primus Scholarship
The Jann Patrice Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College in tribute to former Spelman professor and alumna the late Dr. Jann Patrice Primus, C'81. This Scholarship endowment will provide tuition assistance to students pursuing studies in the discipline of biology and biochemistry.
Jerri DeVard Endowed Scholarship
The Jerri DeVard Scholarship was established in honor of Jerri DeVard, C’79, Spelman alumna, and a former member of the Spelman College Board of Trustees. Ms. DeVard has earned national acclaim as one of the most successful women in the marketing industry and this scholarship will provide financial assistance to students interested in pursuing a career in the field of marketing, management, or finance.
Jettye Hasben Dash Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Endowed scholarship established in memory of alumna, Jettye Hasben Dash, by fellow employees of the American Telegraph Company and Bell Telephone Laboratories to perpetuate her ideas and in memory of her notable accomplishments.
John and Mary Franklin Foundation Scholarship
John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Endowed Scholarship
The John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
John Thomas and Mary Frances Lewis Betsch Endowed Scholarship
The John Thomas and Mary Frances Lewis Betsch Endowed scholarship will be awarded annually from the endowment to provide tuition assistance scholarships to students with critical financial need.
Johnnetta B. Cole Prize
The Johnnetta B. Cole Prize was established July 7, 1993 by the Elson Foundation in honor of Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole, the seventh president of Spelman College. Scholarship support will be granted to a senior who reflects the qualities of courage, decency, grace, and integrity as represented by President Johnnetta B. Cole.
Johnnie Hunter-Foxworth Endowed Memorial Scholarship
The Johnnie Hunter-Foxworth Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in April of 1992 by Mrs. Johnnie Hunter Foxworth, C’43 in tribute to the lives of Mrs. Johnnie Hunter Foxworth’s father, John Ira Hunter, and her five brothers. Scholarship support will be granted to a first-year scholar majoring in Political Science or Economics.
Johnny Mac Soldiers Scholarship Fund
The Johnny Mac Soldiers Scholarship Fund was established to provide immediate financial assistance for educational expenses, to attend Spelman College to students who are veterans, military spouses, and/or military children.
Joseph and Emma Adams Endowed Scholarship
The Joseph and Emma Adams Endowed Scholarship was established by Spelman College by Joseph & Emma Adams. The scholarship endowment supports Spelman students in good academic standing and with demonstrated financial need.
Joy San Walker Brown Scholarship for Science
The Joy San Walker Brown Endowed Scholarship for Science was reestablished as an endowed scholarship at Spelman College by the daughters of Mrs. Joy San Walker Brown, C'52, in her honor. This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving science majors with financial need who are enrolled full time at Spelman College.
Joyce E. Lewis Endowed Scholarship
The Joyce E. Lewis Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to support African-American students requiring financial assistance to complete their degree.
Joyce Eugenia Thornton, C’70 Endowed Scholarship
The Joyce Eugenia Thornton, C’70 Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by The A & A Family Foundation, Inc. to provide financial support to students with demonstrated financial need
JP Morgan Chase Endowed Scholarship
The Chase Manhanttan Bank has established a scholarship at Spelman College to award scholarships to students interested in careers in banking and financial services. The recipients of this scholarship will be designates as a Chase Scholar.
Judge Alfreda Talton_Harris, C'73 Annual Scholarship
The Judge Alfreda Talton-Harris scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Judge Brenda Hill Cole Legal Scholarship
The Judge Brenda Hill Cole Legal Scholarship was established by Spelman College alumna, Judge Brenda Hill, C'63. This annual scholarship provides tuition assistance to deserving students pursuing a career in the field of law.
Julia Elinor Pate Borders Memorial Scholarship
The Julia Elinor Pate Borders Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Rev. Juel Pate Borders-Benson, M.D., C'54 in memory of her mother, Mrs.Julia Elinor Pate Borders, Spelman class of 1929. The scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving Spelman Students pursuing a degree in English.
Kathleen Mavis Taitt, C'88 Scholarship
The Kathleen Mavis Tait, C'88 Scholarship will provide financial assistance to help defray educational costs for students at Spelman college.
Kulkarni Family Endowed Scholarship
The Kulkarni Family Endowed Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Laurel Hord Hill Endowed Scholarship
Established by Spelman alumna, Laurel Hord Hill, C'84, the Hord Hill Endowed scholarship provides a permanent resource for academically strong students who need financial assistance to complete their education
Lillie M. Harris Endowed Scholarship
The Lillie M. Harris Endowed Scholarship is established by Dr. Gwendolyn H. Middlebrook, C'61 and the Harris family to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Spelman College.
Loulan/Pearce-Moses Endowed Scholarship
The Loulan/Pearce-Moses, Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College was established to provide financial support for students with demonstrated financial need.
The Lovette Twyman Russell, C’83, Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during their matriculation at Spelman College
Ludie Andrews Endowed Scholarship (NC)
Upperclass work-study student who is a leader and active in the life of the college.
Lula Frederick Williams Endowed Scholarship
A bequest from the Estate of Mrs. Lula Frederick Williams, C'25 established the Lula Frederick Williams Memorial Scholarship fund. Mrs. Williams was a devoted alumna who possessed the vision of assisting others in attaining the precious rewards of academic study. Her love of her alma mater found apt expression in her work to found the Detroit Chapter, NAASC. it was her wish that this endowment e used to assist poor Detroit students in attending Spelman and reaching their fullest potential
Maggie Bowen Wright Community Service Award
The Maggie Bowen Wright Community Service Scholarship was established by former Spelman Trustee Board Chairman, Marian Wright Edelman, in honor of her mother. It is an annual tuition scholarship. It will be dispersed in two parts, one half at the beginning of each semester. The continuance of the scholarship will be determined by the retainment of the following GPA by the recipient: Freshman - 2.8, Sophomore 3.0, - Junior/Senior - 3.2.
Maggie Gorman Valentine Scholarship
The Maggie Gorman Valentine Scholarship was established at Spelman College from the bequest of Mrs. Maggie Gorman Valentine, a former student of Spelman College. The endowment supports two scholarships, one to a member of the rising senior class and one to a member of the junior class who, during their years at Spelman, have demonstrated the highest qualities of leadership, citizenship, scholarship and willingness to work at any desirable task to help with their college expenses. Above all, the recipients should have demonstrated earnest efforts to make a contribution to the College.
Major General Marcelite Jordan Harris, C'64 Memorial Endowed Scholarship (formerly Vivacious Eleven Endowed Scholarship)
The Major General Marcelite Jordan Harris, C'64' scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Margaret A. Blackshear Annual Scholarship
to provide financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational cost during matriculation at the college
Marguerite Simon Endowed Scholarship
The Marguerite Simon Endowed Scholarship is sponsored by the Class of 1949 in honor of alumna, Marguerite Simon.
Marian Smith Jordan Endowed Scholarship
The Marian Smith Jordan Endowed Scholarship fund was established by Marian Smith Jordan, C'67 at Spelman College. This Scholarship endowment seeks to help defray the educational cost for deserving second year students, from Georgia or Alabama, who demonstrate the greatest financial need.
Marian Wright Edelman Endowed Scholarship
The Marian Wright Edelman Endowed Scholarship is given in honor of alumna Marian Wright Edelman and provide financial assistance to deserving students who is committed to community service and to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Marie and Denise Pedescleaux Endowed Scholarship
Established by Drs. Desiree Pedescleaux and Dwight Andrews in memory of their beloved mother/mother-in-law and sister/sister-in-law, The Marie and Desiree Pedescleaux Scholarship is dedicated to providing scholarship assistance to deserving students with financial need from Louisiana
Marjorie Moliere McMorris, C'93 Annual Scholarship
The Marjorie Moliere McMorris, C'93 Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Martilla Renee Jones Beatty Endowed Scholarship
Martilla Renee Jones Beatty Endowed Scholarship provides tuition assistance for deserving students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in medicine.
Mary Alice English Knight, C'45 Scholarship
The Mary Alice English Knight, C'45 Scholarship provides financial support to deserving students at Spelman College.
Mary Gomez Francis Scholarship
The Mary Gomez Francis Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman.
Mary Juliette Yancey Gay Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was established through an estate gift from Randall Garfield Gay in loving memory of his wife an Spelman alumna, Mary Juliette Yancey C'43
Mary L. Brock Waters, C'66 Endowed Scholarship
Mrs. Mary L. Brock Waters, C'66 has established the Mary L. Brock Water Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College as a resource for full-time Spelman students requiring financial assistance to complete their degree at the College.
Mary Rockett Brock Scholarship
The Mary Rockett Brock Scholarship provides financial assistance to students pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) to defray educational costs during their matriculation at Spelman College.
Maude Fields Gaines Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship developed to support needy students with a 2.5 grade point average or above.
Maude Wheeler Brown Endowed Scholarship
The Maude Wheeler Brown Endowed Scholarship will provide need based financial assistance to fulltime students enrolled in a four-year program at Spelman College. The scholarship will supplement the financial aid package of the recipient to help meet their financial need and continue their matriculation at Spelman College.
Maudlyn Stokes Garrett Endowed Scholarship Award
The Maudlyn Stokes Garrett Award provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational cost.
Maurice Mitchell Williams Community Service Award
The Maurice Mitchell Endowed Scholarship was initiated by a consortium of friends and wellwishers of Spelman alumna, Mrs. Maurice Isora Mitchell Williams C’50, as a tribute to her forty-fifth class year reunion. Mrs. Williams is a retired principal in the New Brunswick, New Jersey Public School System. This endowment recognizes her life of service and dedication to her community.
Michael G. Moye Annual Scholarship
The Michael G. Moye Annual Scholarship was established to promote excellence and provide financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Mickey Leland Endowed Scholarship
The Mickey T. Leland Scholarship is a living legacy to the late Congressman, Mickey T. Leland.
Mildred Ponder Stennis Endowed Scholarship
The Mildred Ponder Stennis Endowed Scholarship was established in December of 1995 by Dr. Mildred Ponder Stennis, C’47 in honor of her 50th reunion. Scholarship support will be granted to students who are from Quitman, Georgia, or another rural city in Georgia.
Milton L. Hardy Memorial Scholarship
The Milton L. Hardy Memorial Scholarship was established by Spelman Alumna, Lilian S. Hardy, C'2003 to pay tribute to her father and provide financial assistance to Spelman College students
Minnie Wood Endowed Scholarship
Lucile JAmes has established an Endowed Scholarship to bhonor Minnie Wood. This Financial assistance will provide scholarships for academically worthy women with unmatched character and a determination to succeed. The Minnie Wood Endowed Scholarship will servce to educate and motivate Spelman women and be a resource for these full-time students requiring financial assitance to cmplete their degree fom the College.
Miranda Bouldin Scholarship
The Miranda Bouldin Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman
Moore Science Scholarship
Established by Dr. Laurena Moore Powell, C'82, the Moore Science Scholarship will provide financial assistance to deserving students from the State of Texas to complete a degree in one of the STEM majors.
Mozel Spriggs Scholarship
The Mozel Spriggs Endowed Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to a rising junior active in dance, drama, or dance theatre and interested in becoming a dance teacher.
NAASC Atlanta Chapter Endowed Scholarship
The NAASC Atlanta Chapter Endowed Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to a Spelman College student who has an unmet financial need.
NAASC Chicago Chapter; Spelman Club - Georgia Dwelle Scholarship
The NAASC Chicago Chapter Georgia Dwelle Scholarship was established at Spelman college by the Chicago Chapter of the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College in the early 1970's. the scholarship honors Dr. Georgia Dwelle, the first Spelman alumnae to receive a Doctor of Medicine degree. Dr. Dwelle resided in the Chicago area. the scholarship provides financial assistance to Spelman students that reside within or near the Chicago area.
NAASC Decatur Chapter Scholarship
To provide financial assistance to students to help defray educational cost.
NAASC Los Angeles Chapter Annual Scholarship
The NAASC Los Angeles Chapter Annual Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students from the Los Angeles, CA area to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
NAASC Los Angeles Chapter Endowed Scholarship and Book Award
The Los Angeles Chapter, NAASC has established a scholarship endowment at Spelman College to provide tuition assistance scholarships and book awards to students from the Los Angeles County area.
NAASC New York Chapter Virginia T. Dowell Endowed Scholarship
The New York Chapter of the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College has established the Virginia T Dowell Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College to provide financial assistance to deserving students from the New York area. The Scholarship endowment is intended to encourage academic excellence and to promote community and school involvement.
NAASC Northern New Jersey Chapter Scholarship
The Northern New Jersey Chapter, NAASC Endowed Scholarship was established by The Northern New Jersey Chapter of the National Alumnae Association at Spelman College to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Spelman College.
NAASC Philadelphia Chapter Scholarship
The NAASC Philadelphia Chapter Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance in the form of two (2) $2500 scholarships for a matriculating student in need from the Philadelphia area (Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, and Philadelphia counties).
Nancy Elizabeth Prophet Endowed Scholarship
The Nancy Elizabeth Prophet Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by the Estate of Elizabeth Lunning. This scholarship endowment is used as a resource for full-time students requiring financial assistance to complete their education.
Naomi Douglas Williams Annual Scholarship Fund
Naomi Douglas Williams Annual Scholarship provides resources to financially needy students pursuing Education Studies to defray educational costs during their matriculation and/or graduation at Spelman College.
Olivia Josephine Madison Hicks Endowed Scholarship
The Olivia Josephine Madison Hicks Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman college through an estate gift from the late Dr. Charles A. Hicks in honor of his mother, the late Olivia Josephine Madison Hick. The endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students with financial need.
Osher Reentry Scholarship - Annual
The Osher Reentry scholarship at Spelman College was established in 2008 to provide tuition support opportunities for Pauline E Drake Program non-traditional students.
Osher Reentry Scholarship - Endowed
The Osher Reentry scholarship at Spelman College was established in 2008 to provide tuition support opportunities for Pauline E Drake Program non-traditional students.
Pamela James, C'78 and Theodore B. Jones Endowed Scholarship
The Pamela James, C’78 and Theodore B. Jones Endowed Scholarship was established in September of 2012 by Drs. Pamela and Theodore B. Jones. A firm believer in the value of education, Pamela James Jones and Theodore B. Jones have provided this scholarship endowment to assist full-time students in defraying educational costs.
Paschal Brothers Endowed Scholarship
The Pascal Brothers Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Marion Johnson, in memory of James and Robert Paschal. The scholarship endowment will provide tuition assistance for full-time students with financial need.
Phillipa A. Brisbane, C'68 Memorial Scholarship
The Phillipa A. Brisbane, C'64 Memorial Scholarship was established at Spelman College in tribute to the Late Phillipa Annette Brisbane, Spelman College Class of 1986. The scholarship provides a deserving student financial assistance to defray her educational costs during her matriculation at Spelman College.
Pickard Family Scholarship
To award scholarships to students of the College who demonstrate financial need, are residents of Troup County, Georgia, Genesee County, Michigan, Wayne County, Michigan or Oakland, County Michigan; demonstrate academic excellence; and service to their community.
Pink Purpose Annual Scholarship In Memory of Dr. Tara Heyliger C'94
Pink Purpose Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
Press Toward the Mark Endowed Scholarship sponsored by Tim and Jennifer Coleman
The Press Toward the Mark Endowed Scholarship sponsored by Tim and Jennifer Coleman provides financial assitance to deserving
(sophomores or above) in Computer Science and in good academic standing to help defray educational costs during matriculation
at Spelman College.
Ranade Family Finish Line Scholarship
The Ranade Family Finish Line Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to deserving sophomores, juniors and seniors in good academic standing to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Ranade Family Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Scholarship
The Ranade Family Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) was established at Spelman College by Mr. Jaydeep Ranade to provide financial assistance to deserving rising sophomores in good academic standing majoring in a STEM discipline to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Rev. Norman M. Rates & Mrs. Laura Lynem Rates Endowed Scholarship
the Norman M. and Laura Lynem Rates Scholarship has been established to provide an annual stipend to a Spelman College Students who is preparing for a career in relation or community service. the award is based on academic performance and financial need. It is to be awarded to a student during her entry in to the junior year and may be reissued her senior year based on her academic performance and financial need.
Riversville Foundation Annual Scholarship
The Riversville Foundation provides scholarships to promote college enrollment and completion by under-represented and under-resourced students studying in STEM-related fields at Colleges and Universities throughout the US. With this purpose in mind, the Riversville Foundation established the Riversville Foundation Annual Scholarship. Student recipients will be known as Risversville Foundation Scholars.
Robert A. Kuniansky Endowed Scholarship
The Robert A. Kuniansky Endowed Scholarship was established in 1979 by Mr. Max L. Kuniansky, to provide scholarship support to students with financial needs. Scholarship support will be granted to scholars in the Health Careers Program.
Robert D. Flanigan Jr. Endowed Scholarship (formerly Fannie Lou Hammer)
The Robert D. Flanigan Jr. Endowed Scholarship provides a permanent resource for academically strong students attending Spelman College who need financial assistance to complete their education.
Robert K. and Gwendolyn L. Battle Endowed Scholarship
This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students with financial need enrolled at Spelman College.
Rosalind Gates Brewer Scholarship
The Rosalind Gates Brewer, C’84 Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Rosalind Gates Brewer, alumna and chair of the Spelman College Board of Trustees. This annual scholarship provides tuition assistance to deserving students with preference given to first generation college students.
Rose Marie Harris Johnson Scholarship
The Rose Marie Harris Johnson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 by Rose H. & Robert L. Johnson in honor of Spelman alumna, trustee, and former educator, Rose Marie Harris Johnson, C’57. Scholarship support preference will be given to students from the Chicago area supported by a single parent.
Ruth Gaddy Washington Scholarship
Dr. Walter Washington and family have established the Ruth Gandy Washington Memorial Endowed Scholarship at Spelman College in honor of his wife and Spelman alumna, the late Ruth Gandy Washington, C'48. This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students with financial need enrolled at Spelman College
Ruth-Ercile Hodges Endowed Scholarship
The Ruth-Ercile Letitia Hodges Award for Sisterhood will promote the ideals of sisterhood that were exhibited by Miss Ruth-Ercile Letitia Hodges, 1994 Spelman College graduate and member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. The award is a cash prize to be given annually to a newly inducted member of the Mu Pi Chapter.
Sanquinetta Marie Dover, C'77 Annual Scholarship
The Sanquinetta Marie Dover, C'77 Annual Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students who have an interest in entrepreneurship to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Shawn D. Jiles Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Shawn D. Jiles Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 1990 by Mrs. Cora Jiles and the family and friends of Shawn D. Jiles in honor of Shawn’s civic and academic achievements. Scholarship support will be granted to an incoming first-year student from the state of Indiana that maintains a GPA of 3.0.
Spelman Achieve Atlanta Scholarship
The Spelman Achieve Atlanta Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Spelman Sisters of the Seventies
The Spelman Sisters of the Seventies Endowed Scholarship was established in June of 2008 by Monice Hodges Sanders, Pamela Bell Payton, and Teree Caldwell Johnson. Scholarship support will be granted to full-time sophomore, junior, or senior students of African descent with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and above. Preference will be given to Mathematics, English, and Sociology majors.
STARR Foundation Scholarship
The STARR Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in June of 2001 by Ms. Caroline Keeley to provide financial assistance to students with financial need. Scholarship support will be granted to at least 1-2 students from Bermuda who meet the criteria.
Steve and Marjorie Harvey Scholarship
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Marjorie Harvey established the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Scholarship at Spelman College to leverage a mix of current use and endowment support and is intended to provide financial assistance for students at Spelman who are struggling to pay tuition and related educational expenses due to depleted financial resources.
Tara Buckner & Aaron Swain Bright Future 2nd Generation Scholarship
The Tara Buckner & Aaron Swain Bright Future 2nd Gen Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College. The purpose of the grant is to encourage second-generation college students to attend Spelman and have a family income that is above the Pell-eligible threshold. Eligible students may have strong family support and
may have great leadership abilities that go unrecognized. The scholarship is established in honor of Ms.
Buckner's, "SpelHouse Baby" Meridian Buckner-Swain, C'2020
Tara L. Jones, C'94 Endowed Scholarship
The Tara L. Jones, C'94 Endowed Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to a Spelman College student who has an unmet financial need.
Tell Our Stories Endowed Scholarship
The Tell Our Stories Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Ms. Jamila S. Hunter C'96. This Scholarship will provide financial assistance and serve as a resource for full-time students with an interest in the Creative Arts as demonstrated by studies in English, Writing or Film & Visual Culture.
The Blue Elephants Annual Scholarship
The Blue Elephants Annual Scholarship was established by members of the Blue Elephants (whom are comprised of Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and are also Spelman graduates) to provide financial assistance to students who have shown a financial need and have maintained a 3.0 GPA or above.
The Brenda Marie Macklin, C’76 Memorial Award
The Brenda Marie Macklin, C’76 Memorial Award was established by Sharon Owens, C’76 in December 2022 with an award of $8,153.10. The one-time award will support a deserving sophomore and senior in memory of Brenda Marie Macklin, a 1976 graduate of Spelman.
The Brenda Smith Clay, C'67 Scholarship
The Brenda Smith Clay, C'67 Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Brianna Nichole Gaulding, C'2017 Annual Scholarship
The Brianna Nichole Gaulding, C'2017 Annual Scholarship Fund at Spelman College provides financial assistance to help aspiring women achieve their dream and to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
The Cathy R. Daniels and Walter R. Allen Scholarship Fund
The Cathy R. Daniels and Water R. Allen Scholarship Fund was established at Spelman College by Dr. Walter R. Allen to provide financial support for students seeking a career in education or law.
The Chapel Scholarship
The Chapel Scholarship Fund was established by Cydni Burton, C’2018 and Nia Haynes, C’2018 to provide financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Collette Smith Annual Scholarship
Catherine Olukotun Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defry educational cost during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Collier Sisters Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Collier Sisters Endowed Scholarship fund was established at Spelman College by Denise Burse-Fernandez in honor of her mother, Mildred Collier Walton, C'47 and her aunt, Juanita Collier, C'51. This scholarship endowment supports Spelman students as a resource to aid in achieving their highest potential during and well after their matriculation at Spelman College.
The Darlyne Atkinson Killian Endowed Scholarship
The Darlyne Atkinson Killian Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Spelman alumna, Dr. Darnita R Killian, C'79 in memory of her late mother, Darlyne Atkinson Killian, C'48. This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students with financial need.
The Dr. Alison Graves-Calhoun, C'90 and W. Byron Calhoun Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. Alison Graves-Calhoun, C'90 and W. Byron Calhoun Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Alison Graves-Calhoun, C'90 and W. Byron Calhoun. This scholarship endowment seeks to provide financial assistance to full-time students pursuing a degree in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) to defray educational costs during their matriculation at Spelman College.
The Dr. Mamie Darlington Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Mamie Darlington Memorial Scholarship Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Echols Greenwood Annual Scholarship
The Echols/Greenwood Annual Scholarship provides financial assistance to a Bachelor of Arts candidate demonstrating a financial need to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Elizabeth Leiba - Edup Experience Scholarship
The scholarship has been established based on the mission shared by both Elizabeth Leiba and The Edup Experience to inspire and educate people to pursue a lifelong learning mindset, as well as the vision to build a legacy through knowledge. The scholarship fund was created with this goal in mind and will endeavor to provide access to postsecondary education to Spelman students, who might otherwise not have the financial means to fulfill their educational goals
The Fashion Fair-Spelman Scholarship Fund
The Fashion Fair-Spelman Scholarship Fund was established at Spelman College by Fashion Fair Cosmetics to provide financial assistance in addition to mentorship and internship opportunities for Spelman students that display leadership qualities who are interested in entrepreneurial careers specifically in the areas of Cosmetics, Skincare and Beauty. A paid internship will be available for one student during the summer session.
The Genesis Tramaine Arts & Education Scholarship
The Genesis Tramaine Arts & Education Scholarship was established to provide opportunities to Black women attending Spelman College, who are in good academic standing and have demonstrated financial need.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving Annual Scholarship
The Gift That Keeps on Giving Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College, by Angie Barrington-Jeter, C'91, to provide financial resources for incoming students and/or fulltime students needing financial assistance to begin or complete their education.
The Gisela Elise Reif Need-Based Annual Scholarship
The Gisela Elise Reif Need-Based Annual Scholarship will provide financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College
The Grace R. Haynes, C’33 Annual Scholarship
The Grace R. Haynes, C’33 Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Kimberly Haynes, C’ 96, in June 2022, to provide; financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Greenbacker Capital Annual Scholarship
The Greenbacker Capital Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College in honor of noted African American Environmentalist, Marjorie Richard. Greenbacker Group LLC will provide financial support to students with demonstrated financial need. In addition, this scholarship is established to defray educational costs for students with an interest in sustainability projects.
The Griffith Family Scholarship Fund
The Griffith Family Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Health Disparities and Survivorship Scholarship (HDSS)
The Health Disparities and Survivorship Scholarship (HDSS) provides financial assistance to deserving
students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Kate Cheek Annual Scholarship
The Kate Cheek Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Paul Hancock in memory of Kate Cheek. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial support to students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College. Students who are from Georgia, specifically Central to South Georgia or any county outside of and south of metro Atlanta will be given preference.
The Lynne M. Milton, C’78 Endowed Scholarship
The Lynne M. Milton, C’78 Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College in memory of Spelman alumna, Lynne M. Milton, C’78 to provide financial support for students.
The Margie Ann Price Payne, C’64 Endowed Scholarship
The Margie Ann Price Payne, C’64 Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Alan Payne to provide financial support to students with demonstrated financial need
The Marian Wright Edelman, C'60 Endowed Scholarship in Community Service in Honor of Mr. Hartley R. Rogers
To provide financial support for students with a strong background in community service
The Nancy F. Hawkins Endowed Scholarship
The Nancy F. Hawkins Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Nancy F. Hawkins and her daughter, Renee Fesson Anthony. This endowed award is named in honor of Nancy F. Hawkins, who according to Renee Fesson Anthony, "was hardworking, dedicated, loving, and courageous first generation college student from Ohio who had unwavering and profound commitment, sense of gratitude and love for Spelman College.
The Pamela R. Collier Sims Memorial Award
The Pamela R. Collier Sims Memorial Award was established at Spelman College by Curtis L. Collier to provide support to deserving juniors or seniors to honor the memory and legacy of Pamela R. Collier Sims, a 1992 honors graduate of Spelman.
The Patrice Hinnant, C’74 Annual Scholarship
The Patrice Hinnant, C’74 Annual Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Philadelphia Foundation Safety Net Scholarship
The Philadelphia Foundation Safety Net Scholarship was established by the estate of the late Mary Ida Vandross to support students attending seminary and historically Black Colleges and Universities across the country.
The Renee' Vivian Boswell Endowed Scholarship
The Renee Vivian Boswell Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Gwendolyn B. Brumfield and Margaret Johnson, C'2000. This scholarship endowment supports fulltime students requiring financial assistance to complete their Early Childhood Education (Education Studies) degree.
The Sandra Waite Scholarship for Communication and Law
The Sandra Waite Scholarship for Communication and Law was established at Spelman College to provide financial assistance to students with need.
The Shubert Foundation Endowed
Donor wishes to establish an endowed fund at Spelman College, to be designated as The Shubert Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Theater and Performance, to provide financial support for students majoring in Theater and Performance at Spelman College.
The Spirit of C'99 Endowed Scholarship
The Spirit of C'99 Endowed Scholarship was established by the Spelman College Class of 1999 in memory of their classmates who are no longer here on earth but whose spirit continues to live on - Kimberly Bailey, Nicole Scales, Janee Sumler and Kimberly Brown Thomas.
The Stacey Abrams Legacy Endowed Scholarship
The Stacey Abrams Legacy Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College to provide support to a community service-centered scholar, who are at the junior or senior level.
The Taneya Muhammad Annual Scholarship
The Taneya Gethers Muhammad Memorial Scholarship aims to support the academic pursuits of students who are in the tradition of alumnae whose legacies she studied, such as Pearl Cleage, Varnette Honeywood, Alice Walker, Marian Wright Edelman and Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon, as well as student movement leaders like Lenora Taitt, Gwendolyn Middlebrooks, Herschelle Sullivan Challenoir, Roslyn Pope and Zoharah Simmons. We hope that in providing funding for students who share her commitment to making a radical impact on campus and in the community, we will continue Taneya’s fierce devotion to her family, both blood and spirit.
The Tina Blackwell and Traci Blackwell, C'90 Annual Scholarship
The Tina Blackwell and Traci Blackwell, C’90 Annual Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students from a single parent head of household to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
The Wellington D. Swindall Book Scholarship
The Wellington D. Swindall Book Scholarship was established at Spelman College at the request of the late Dr. Wellington D. Swindall. A firm believer in the value of education. Mr. Swindall has provided this support to help defray the costs of the books and course supplies associated with attending Spelman.
The Williams Honored Educators Endowed Scholarship
The Williams Honored Educators Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Dr. Pamela Logan to provide financial assistance to deserving students pursuing careers in education to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College, in honor of:
Cleo Bowden Christabell Gilcreast Nontharee Sidney Ruby Wildy Betty Williams Catherine Williams Delora Williams Erma Williams Henrietta Williams Sherrye Williams Susan Williams.
The scholarship will be identified as The Yardi Scholarship. The Yardi Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Theresa Townsend C’89 Annual Scholarship
The Theresa Townsend, C’89 Annual Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Theresa Townsend, C’89 to provide; financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College.
Thomas Abdul-Aleem Family Scholarship
Established by Mrs. Raven Thomas Abdul-Aleem, C'2004, and Mr. Zaid Abdul-Aleem, the Thomas Abdul-Aleem Family Scholarship provides support for students in good academic standing who need financial assistance to complete their education.
Trevor and Bertha Arnett Scholarship
The Trevor and Bertha S. Arnett Endowed Scholarship was established by Trevor and Bertha Stetson Arnett to provide scholarship support for students in need. Scholarship support will be granted to students majoring in Computer Science.
Ursula L. Wright Annual Scholarship
Provides financial assistance to serving students to help defray educational costs during the matriculation at Spelman College.
Uthey Drake Annual Scholarship
The Uthey Drake Annual Scholarship provides a deserving student with financial assistance to defray her educational costs during her matriculation at Spelman College.
Vandela Williams Scholarship
Established by Spelman College alumna Dr. Andrea Ellen Williams-Kingslow, C'85, the Vandela Williams Family Scholarship will provide financial support to academically worthy students requiring financial assistance to complete their education.
Veta Goler Endowed Scholarship
The Veta Goler Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Kelly and Gary Moore, to
provide financial support to students with demonstrated financial need.
Vicki Palmer Scholarship Endowed Scholarship (Maxine Atkins Smith, C'49 Endowed Scholarship)
The Vicki R. Palmer Endowed was established though the generosity of Spelman College Trustee, Vicki Palmer. The scholarship is intended to supplement the Vicki R. Palmer Scholarship sponsored by Coca Cola Enterprises (CCE Vicki Palmer Scholarship) so that the full educational cost of the recipient is met.
Waller Family Endowed Scholarship
The Byrd Waller Endowed Scholarship was established at Spelman College by Kathy Waller. Ms. Waller has provided this scholarship to support students from the Metro Atlanta area
Wanda Smalls Lloyd Journalism (formerly Watson-Walker Scholarship)
The Wanda Smalls Lloyd Journalism scholarship was established to support aspiring Journalists at Spelman College.
William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship
The William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship supports a student with demonstrated financial need. Students in all majors and classifications are eligible for the award.
Willie Mae Pearson Butler Scholarship
The Willie Mae Pearson Butler Endowed Scholarship was established through the Will Intention of Rev. Robert L. Butler and Mrs. Willie Mae Pearson Butler, C'49. This scholarship endowment honors African American Scholars, Willie Mae Pearson Butler, a former teacher of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at Alabama A&M University and the Madison county, Alabama School System for 52 years. This scholarship also is given in memory of Mrs. Butler's brother, Willie James Pearson, Jr. The Willie Mae Pearson Butler Endowed Scholarship will provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Spelman College from the state of Alabama.
Winnie and Henry Loftin Endowed Scholarship
The Winnie and Henry Loftin Endowed Scholarship has been established at Spelman College through a bequest from Mr. Henry Loftin. Although Mr. Loftin was only able to attend school for two years, one of his strongest desires was to help young people obtain a higher education. This scholarship endowment honors Mr. Loftin and his commitment to education.
Yvonne R. Jackson Endowed Scholarship for Student Research
Spelman alumna and trustee, Yvonne R Jackson, C'70 has established the Yvonne R Jackson endowed scholarship for Student Research at Spelman College. This scholarship endowment supports Ms. Jacksons commitment to the education of scientific discovery and is the first endowed research scholarship at Spelman College to be established by an alumna. The scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving science students who demonstrate an interest in research.
Yvonne Wright Knox Scholarship
The Yvonne Wright Knox, C’40 Endowed Scholarship was established in memory of Yvonne Wright Knox, C’40 by her daughter, Adelaide Knox Jones, and Thomas W. Jones. This award will be made annually, based on academic achievement and financial need.